From cordiescorner.com we are having family fun.
Here is our Thanksgiving from a few years ago, it was so fun, but now we combine ours with our daughters in-laws. It gives us more time to spend with them and they save on eating only 1 meal.
One of my favorite holidays was and still is Thanksgiving. It was one of the few times of the year you got together with family and shared the day. All year long everyone always had an excuse on why they could not get together, school, work, class field trips, being ill. Then the holidays hit and we all found a way to be there. Cousins, Aunts, friends, grandparents it was awesome.
We do not have that large of a family anymore, people moved and some are no longer with us. I miss them badly, I always wanted my kids to know what fun I had. It never got to happen, although my older daughter did marry into a large family. Her daughter will know for a little while how fun it is with a large group. I still have my memories that I will always have and when my granddaughter gets a little older so we can talk I will go down memory lane with her and tell her tall tales of the olden days. ( Cant wait). For now I will enjoy the meal with the family I have and remember.